Women’s Ministry
God made women in His image. Genesis 2:18 tells us that God made woman to be an ’ezer, or a strong, capable helper. Women have an important role to play at FBC. And as such we believe that God designed women to teach, give, serve, encourage, and strengthen one another as they grow in Christ. This growth takes place when women fellowship together in community with one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another as they dive into God’s Word. FBC’s Women’s Ministry – “Women of ONE” – offers several ways to connect and grow together in Christ and community.
- Knowing God and growing in our faith begins by understanding His word.
- Loving and encouraging one another happens as women spend time together. Women’s events are scheduled throughout the year for times of fellowship and strengthening.
- Reaching the community occurs as women gather together and serve. FBC’s women’s ministry makes it a priority to provide women opportunities to serve in the community or to support community programs.
For more information on upcoming “Women of ONE” events, Bible studies, and more, check the events calendar, call or email:
Women’s Bible Study – Resumes 9/9-9/11
Mondays, 6:00-7:30 pm
Wednesday- 12:30-2:00pm
(831) 422-9872 Tracie@fbcsalinas.com
other ministries

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